You will find in this section all the elements to communicate around your presence at Pure Meetings & Events.
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If you have an ad blocker, such as "AdBlock", you should disable it.
If despite this, you still can not view and/or download the banners, feel free to download the .zip package, by clicking here:
Event logo
Colored (SVG format)
Banners 300 x 250
Banners 300 x 250 (PNG file)
Banners 468 x 60
Banners 468 x 60 (PNG file)
Banners 725 x 90
Banners 725 x 90 (PNG file)
Banners 730 x 90
Banners 730 x 90 (PNG file)
Banners 160 x 600
Banners 160 x 600 (PNG file)
Banners 120 x 600
Banners 120 x 600 (PNG file)