Terms and conditions of access for the Exhibitors of Pure Meetings & Events.

Article 1 - Purpose and nature of the events

Pure Meetings & Events (the show) gathers tables dedicated to promoting business tourism and event, whose entrance is reserved for professionals equipped with an access card. Consistent with the purpose of the show, are only admitted to the exhibition, companies, organizations or governments having business in the event industry, business tourism and incentive.

Article 2 - Organizer

The exhibition is organized by the company Globe Network (the organizer). The organizer organizes the show as part of a general obligation. It excludes any indirect and particularly operating losses or financial losses. The total amount of compensation that the organizer may have to pay to the exhibitor may not exceed the amount of the reservation.

Article 3 - Acceptance of the rules

These general conditions and those terms and conditions apply in their entirety to all reservations requests from exhibitors for the show. Any booking application implies acceptance of these. These general conditions and this Regulation shall prevail over any terms or any other documents from exhibitors, whatever the terms. All other conditions from an exhibitor, provided they do not conflict, are only valid if they have been expressly accepted by the organizer. In case of infringement of this Regulation, the organizer may, without prior notice and without prejudice to any claim for damages: proceed with the exclusion of the exhibitor and / or to the immediate closure of the stand; request and / or to drop the items in contravention, of the costs and risk of the exhibitor. In any event, the organizer may refuse admission to the exhibition to any person with bad behavior against an exhibitor, and / or against the organizer and staff and / or partners.

Article 4 - Amendment of Regulation

The organizer reserves the right to rule on all cases not provided in this Regulation and to bring to it any amendments or additions necessary that become applicable immediately. The amendments sent to participants later are an integral part of this Regulation.

Article 5 - Calendar of the event

The organizer sets the dates and locations of the show in the best imperatives of proper conduct and achievement. The dates and locations shown on the booking form are indicative. The dates and times of mounting and disassembly will be stipulated in an email sent to each registered exhibitor who has already paid its entire stand.

Article 6 - Admissions

Can participate in the show (subject to the acceptance of their application) all companies, organizations and governments with business in the event industry, business tourism and incentive. Applications for admission from candidates in financial difficulties and / or debtors of and / or in dispute with the organizer or its group may not be taken into account. The organizer is not obliged to justify his decisions concerning applications for participation. The number of access by company is limited to the number specified in the subscribed pack and any orders additional access. Any request for additional access will be an additional invoice and submitted for approval of the organizer. In no case an exhibitor or service provider can access the event without being accredited or through a register as a visitor.

Article 7 - Insurance

The organizers are legally responsible for their quality organizer of the show. This responsibility shall in no case extend to damage caused by third parties to the participants. The owners of business operated at the show to meet their liability in their capacity as owner of the buildings and facilities, fixed or temporary for the show, as well as for the operation of activities and businesses that it manages directly. It is the same for all external companies. The participant must be covered by an insurance policy and meet individual liability for all damages caused to others either by itself or by its staff or facilities. The participant must be covered by an insurance policy guaranteeing the materials belonging to or the entrusted assets transferred at the event. It is for each participant to ensure the protection of his property and belongings. The organizer accepts no responsibility in this area.

Article 8 - Trade Rule

Participants are formally prohibited from engaging, outside Pure Meetings & Events, in activities similar to those exercised within the confines of Pure Meetings & Events, for the duration of it. The participant undertake to refrain from bringing visitors outside of the event without the written agreement of the organization.

Article 9 - Cancellation

All orders are final. In case of withdrawal at any time whatsoever and for any reason whatsoever, the person signing the application is liable for the full amount of its participation. Failing settlement at the agreed date, this application for registration will be canceled automatically and the signer will remain debtor to company Globe Network of the settlement. The penalty is due even if the organizer was able to reallocate the booked stand.

Article 10 - Assignment

The exhibitor may display in its space on the equipment, goods or services listed in its application for admission and acceptance by the organizer and / or the equipment, products or services presented by his / her co-exhibitors declared and accepted by the organizer. It cannot advertise in any form whatsoever for non-exhibiting companies. Unless prior written consent of the organizer, a participant may not transfer or share, with or without payment, all or part of its participation in the exhibition.

Article 11 - Allocation of slots

The organizer establishes the layout of the event and freely distributes the locations based on the return date records, technical and artistic constraints. The organizer will endeavour to take into account the wishes expressed by the exhibitors. In any event the organizer can not guarantee for obvious reasons of organization, meeting the wishes expressed. No claim on the space allocated to the exhibitor will be taken into consideration. In no event organizer will respond the exhibitor for any consequences arising from the location that was assigned. Participation in previous events does not create any right to a particular location or even the automatic renewal of the participation in the exhibition. The plans will be provided only upon specific request within a week before the show.

Article 12 - Stands / tables

Exhibitors must have finished installing the table before 16h, for control of the Safety Commission. The enclosure of the fair will be closed to vehicles on the day of the exhibition opening and during the exhibition. To prevent any loss, it is imperative that a person representing the brand is on the scene at the time of receipt of parcels. The organizer does not receive any parcels. The organizer is not responsible for loss or theft. It is important to send your eventual furniture order before the deadline. Otherwise, we can not guarantee availability of furniture. Thank you for preserving the condition of the furniture.

The stand must be permanently occupied by a competent person.

Visitors should be able to freely circulate in the exhibition without being deflected by exhibitors.

It is forbidden, on pain of immediate exclusion of the show without refund or compensation, and under penalty of immediate payment of all amounts due:

The exhibitor can not leave or proceed with clearing away or dismantling of his stand before the official closing of the fair. He can not make material output without justification written authorization from the organizer. The locations must be released no later than 2 hours after the closing of the event. The premises must be restored to its original condition. In case of non compliance with these obligations by the exhibitor, the organizer shall be free to apply a penalty from the finding of non-compliance with the obligations described above.

Any damage caused by installations of exhibitors or exhibited goods, to buildings, facilities provided by the organizer, trees, plants, or any other elements on the ground, are evaluated by representatives of the organizers and made load exhibitors. Exhibitors must not modify the elements created by the organizer such as furniture, signs, lighting, carpet, or obstruct aisles, encroach on them or disturb their neighbors.

Article 13 - Safety Regulations

The participant is required to respect the safety measures imposed by administrative or judicial authorities and the security measures taken by the organizer. They must in particular ensure that all accessories added by them for planning or decorating their booth are flame retardant or non-flammable. Smoking is not allowed inside the salon. The organizer reserves the right to verify compliance with these measures. Surveillance is carried out under the control of the organizer, his decisions concerning the application of safety regulations are implemented immediately.

Article 14 - Fraud - Unfair competition

Exhibitors undertake to present only products or equipment in accordance with regulations, not to proceed with any advertising liable to mislead and not to commit any act of unfair competition. The organizer shall in no way be held responsible for non-compliance with this obligation. The Exhibitor undertakes in any case to guarantee, the organizer of all possible sentences. If necessary, the organizer may withdraw or products / materials at issue without delay.


Article 15 - Payment

35% deposit is required with the order and the balance no later than 4 months before the event, on May 19, 202. For all orders placed after May 19th, 2022, the full payment must occur at the time of signing the purchase order.

Failing to pay the full amount due, the organizer reserves:

Article 16 - Catalog

The organizer has the exclusive right to edit, or to make editing, and distribute the exhibition catalog. The information necessary for writing the catalog shall be provided by the exhibitors within the deadlines. The organizer will not be responsible for omissions, errors of reproduction, composition or other that might occur.

Article 17 - Shooting

The exhibitor expressly authorizes the organizer:

Article 18 - Customs and other regulatory approvals

It is for each exhibitor to complete customs formalities for equipment and products from or to abroad. The organizer can not be held responsible for problems that may arise during these formalities. Exhibitors who use music inside the event, even for simple demonstrations must declare and deal directly with the competent institutions in the field, and get permission if necessary.

Article 19 - Industrial Property

The exhibitors shall ensure the industrial protection of exposed materials and products and in accordance with legal provisions. These measures must be taken before the presentation of such materials or products, the organizer accepts no responsibility in this area.

Article 20 - Personal data

The data collected on booking application forms are under treatment with Globe Network for the needs of the organization of the event, to promote the exhibition and the realization of its catalog. Individuals may request the disclosure, access, correction and deletion of data concerning them, by submitting a request to

Article 21 - Production time

The exhibitor agrees to comply with the deadlines imposed by the organizer. Outside these times, the organizers can no longer guarantee the appearance of the exhibitor in the digital guide or the appointment-making system.

Article 22 - Cancellation or modification of the event

In the case of force majeure (war, terrorist attacks, strikes, national mourning, natural disasters, etc.), or a major constraint that may affect visitor numbers, or prohibition, removal, by the fact of absence of administrative authorization, the organizer can decide to postpone or cancel the show. In case of postponement of the exhibition, the participation of the exhibitor will be automatically rebooked on the new dates, without any additional fees.

If unable to use the premises provided, the organizer may change the place or postpone the date. The organizer can cancel the operation after notifying the participant, and in this case, the application will be found automatically cancelled, without compensation to the participant outside the reimbursement of paid registration fees.

Article 23 - Tolerance

The failure to exercise, at any time, a prerogative recognized hereby, or not to require performance of any provision of the convention outcome of these matters will in no way be construed, nor as a change the contract or as an express or implied waiver of the right to exercise that prerogative in the future, or the right to demand the scrupulous implementation of the commitments made therein.

Article 24 - Disputes

In case of dispute, the participant undertakes to submit his claim to the organizer before any procedure. Any action begun before the expiration of fifteen days from this declaration, will be declared inadmissible from the formal consent of the participant. In case of dispute, the courts of the organizer’s office are competent.

This present Agreement is a translation of an original document drawn up in French and in the event of any conflict only the original French shall be considered binding.